2012년 1월 17일 화요일

"Spring, summer, fall, winter, and spring"

The movie " spring, summer, fall, winter, and spring" is about a monk's life. I just saw a spring part. There is little monk and old monk. Oneday littele monk hang the rock to the animals like fish, toad, snake. So the old monk punished him to hang a big rock.
 I think the way old monk pusnished little monk is quite severe. However it would be a lesson to him. By let a little monk to experience what he did, he can learn that he shouldn't make animals like that also anomal is the same living thing. Comparing with the punishment what normal parents do ( They scold us and sometimes hit us) the old monk did would be better. There's a problem with the normal parents do. Maybe we can't know what we did wrong. Also we might just look parent's face not tobe scolded.lThos wouldn't let us to know any lesson. I think the old monk is quite wise. He didn't punish the young monk with his feelings. He is really fair. Frankly speaking, normal parents punished us with their feeling. For example they don't scold us or just  talk to us when they feel nice or have some good affair. But If they feel bad or something go wrong,. they scold us much even though we make a same mistake. In case of this, the old monk punished him absolutely better than normal parents. However the punishment was quite severe. I understand the reason why the old monk did like that byt the mountain was harsh. He might get serious wound if we fall down woth that heavy rock. The old monk would better let him a light rock than that one

(I'll finish it later)

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